Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting held on January 8, 2006 at the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History, Regis College,
Weston, MA.
REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at 1:00 PM on
March 12, 2006 at the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History, Regis College,
Weston, MA.
President Wayne Rindone called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM.
Attendees were:
Wayne Rindone - Needham-Newton Stamp Club
Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Jack Miller - Waltham Stamp Club
Peter Pierce - Clara Barton Stamp Club
Norm Shufrin - Waltham Stamp Club
Rene Duval - Clara Barton Stamp Club
Len Andexler - Chelmsford Stamp Club
There was a quorum.
The minutes of the May 1, 2005 Annual General Meeting were accepted as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bruce Bolduc distributed the Financial Reports for 10/01/04 – 9/20/05. These reports are available upon request. The Annual Financial Reports were approved as presented.
Old Business:
Wayne Rindone distributed the NeFed BOD list and noted that the list is available only for usage by BOD members.
New Business:
Lions International requested rental loaning to them of six frames for exhibiting. The BOD discussed this item. The Spellman Museum will consider this Lions International request. The BOD approved future rentals of NeFed frames to groups that are not members of the NeFed at $10. per frame plus actual expenses. The BOD will decide, in each case, whether or not to rent frames to that
Non-NeFed group. Frames will be made available to NeFed member clubs with no rental fee, but will be charges the actual expenses. The expenses would include Special Events Co. charges, arranging for shipping and coverage for damage or loss of frames, etc.
Philatelic Show 2006 (April 28-May 1, 2006):
Wayne reported that the show has all but 5 signed contracts from the 60+ bourse dealers. A few dealers had not made their initial deposits yet. There is a $25. surcharge for late-signed contracts.
Bob Borden is designing the show cachet and cancellation.
The show committee is considering having producing the show covers and stamps.
Paul Bourke is sending out two different show press releases.
Guy Dillaway still has room for exhibits. The deadline for exhibits is March, 2006. Member Stamps Clubs are asked to encourage their members to exhibit at the show.
Norm Shufrin mentioned that Ned Sternick would be starting in February, 2006 as the new Executive Director of the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History.
REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at 1:00 PM on
March 12, 2006 at the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History, Regis College,
Weston, MA.
President Wayne Rindone adjourned the meeting at 2:27 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Jack Miller, Secretary.