Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs
Minutes of the September 10, 2006 Meeting held at the 2nd Sunday Riverside
Bourse, Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History, Weston, MA.
REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at 12:30 PM on October
29, 2006 at Walpex 2006, Minuteman Technical High School, Lexington, MA.
President Wayne Rindone called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
Wayne Rindone - Needham-Newton Stamp Club
Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Jack Miller - Waltham Stamp Club
George Norton - Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History
There was no quorum.
Secretary's Report:
No corrections were voiced relative to the distributed minutes.
Treasurer's Report:
-Bruce reported that two clubs have not paid their dues.
-Bruce provided the NEFSC Cash Statement that totaled $11,971.
Old Business:
Wayne distributed the 2006-2007 BOD Member Contact Information.
New Business:
- Wayne distributed the Philatelic Show 2006 Final Financial Report. The show
had a net loss of $1,742.79 although the federation had a net gain or $1,757.
The largest difference in expenses vs. Philatelic Show 2005 was the basic hotel
charge. The hotel charge was an extra $2,780. (The hotel charges for last year's
show didn't include all the expenses that could have been charged.)
- We think a good theme for Philatelic Show 2007 would be “The First 50 years of
Space Exploration.” The Show Chair will made the final decision.
- Philatelic Show 2007 will have the following Stamp Association Meetings:
- Eire Philatelic Association, US Postal Stationary Society.
- Speakers Bureau: we are looking for a volunteer willing to manage a Federation
Speakers Bureau. The bureau would make available speakers from the federation.
- Single frame club competition: a proposal was made. This will be discussed in
a future meeting. The competition would have ad hoc judges.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held at 12:30 PM on October 29, 2006 at Walpex 2006,
Minuteman Technical High School, Lexington, MA.
President Wayne Rindone adjourned the meeting at 2:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Jack Miller, Secretary.