Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Minutes of the January 14, 2007 Meeting held during the 2nd Sunday Bourse at Spellman Museum of Stamps and Philatelic History, Weston, MA.
REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at 1:00 PM on March 11, 2007 at the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Philatelic History, Weston, MA.
President Wayne Rindone called the meeting to order at 1:07 PM.
Wayne Rindone - Needham-Newton Stamp Club
Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic
Jeff Shapiro - Philatelic Group of Boston
Walter J. Paton - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Jack Miller - Waltham Stamp Club
Norm Shufrin - Waltham Stamp club
There was a quorum.
Secretary's Report: The Secretary's Report was accepted as distributed.
Treasurer's Report:
Bruce Bolduc reported that two clubs have not paid their dues. Bruce also reported that the Financial Balance is $10,090. Bruce noted that the following club would like to join the federation: Waterbury Stamp Club, Inc., PO Box 581,Waterbury, CT 06720. The club's contact is George Coulson. That club has sent in the year's dues. A motion was made and approved to accept the Waterbury Stamp Club, Inc. into the federation.
Old Business:
Wayne distributed the 2006-7 Board Members Contact Information. Speakers' Bureau: Peter Pierce had volunteered to coordinate the Speakers Bureau. If you have interest in having a speaker from the Speakers' Bureau at your club's meeting, please contact Peter at his e mail address: Philatelic Show 2006: Jeff Shapiro reported that the hotel agreed that they had billed us for charges not specified in the contract and that $2343.46 will be credited to our 2007 Philatelic Show bill. Philatelic show 2007: The show theme is: 50th Anniversary of Space Travel." Dealer charges will increase by $25./table (about 6 8o increase). There will be admission fee of $5 for the entire show, $3. per day. The following will have no admission charge; dealers, exhibitors, Show Committee members, children under 18, spouses with an attendee who pays the admission fee (one sign in), chaperones for children's groups. There may be discount tickets from dealers to their customers. All will have different color badges for the different days. Jeff and Jack (Admissions Chairman) states that the Admissions Table will have to be staffed by 3 full time people to ensure collecting the Admission Fees. For the 20 show hours, that means 60 show hours that will have to be staffed! There will be no admission charge for any volunteer who spends an hour at the Admissions Table. We have to encourage and possibly pay clubs, others to staff the Admissions Table. This is a necessity, not a choice! There will be training provided to ensure a smooth admissions process. In addition to the credit from the hotel for Philatelic Show 2006 overcharges, there will be reduction of $2000 from the estimated charges due to not charging the total charges for gratuities. Future shows (2008 and later) will have 19°% gratuity added on for electricians, sound system, chair set up, etc. Jack will be checking on the federation's tax exempt status with the MA Secretary of State's Office. The hotel (Holiday Inn, Boxboro Woods) requires that we use the following number of rooms during the show: 50 on Thursday,70 on Friday and 70 on Saturday. For each 40 rooms, the hotel provides one free room. We need a volunteer to coordinate Security. Clubs will have to opportunity to provide single frame exhibits. Guidelines for the clubs' single frame exhibits follows: Those clubs that wish to participate in this single frame (16 page) competition must notify us by March 15th and the frame will be provided at no charge. Clubs who plan to submit a single frame exhibit should email Guy Dillaway at no later than March 15. A small Federation judging committee will determine the winner. Aside from usual quality of exhibit criteria they will be trying to encourage multiple members of your club contribute to each exhibit; the material does not just belong to one or two club members. The board agreed to reimburse Bruce for the cost of a new bulb for his projector. He will be bringing this projector to the show. The hotel mistakenly gave away our 2008 date; the new date will be subsequently announced. Jeff requested, and the board approved, the federation signing a contract with the hotel to hold the 2008,9,2010 shows at the hotel. It was agreed to look into other potential sites for the 2011,12,13 shows while we negotiate with the hotel. John Lutz will be creating the show cachet and cancellation. Guy reports that the jury who will be judging the exhibits is all set. Mike Mead reports that the contracts have been sent out, and that five organizations will be meeting at the show. New Business: Wayne named to the Nominating Committee for next year's board: Jeff Shapiro (chairperson), Bruce Bolduc and Jack Miller Four new board members will be elected at the May 2007 Annual Meeting. Audio visual equipment that speakers may need for presentations at Philatelic Shows: there will be no charge as long as we know ahead of time it is needed. to use the current federation Overhead projector. If there is a charge from the hotel, the presenter will be charged the amount that the hotel charges the show (charge "pass through").
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held at 1:00 PM on March 11, 2007 during the 2nd Sunday Bourse at Spellman Museum of Stamps and Philatelic History, Weston, MA.
President Wayne Rindone adjourned the meeting at 2:46 P.M. Respectfully submitted by Jack Miller, Secretary.