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Minutes - January 13, 2008

Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Minutes of the January 13, 2008 meeting held during the Riverside Show at the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Philatelic History, Weston, MA.

REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at 1:00 PM on March 9 at SOPEX, sponsored by Samuel Osgood Stamp Club at the BPO Elks Lodge in Lawrence, MA.

President Jack Miller called the meeting to order at 1:05PM.

Len Andexler - Chelmsford Stamp Club
Jeff Shapiro - Philatelic Group of Boston
Paul Bento - Eire Philatelic Association
Norm Shufrin - Waltham Stamp Club
Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Mark Butterline - Philatelic Group of Boston
Jack Miller - Waltham Stamp Club
Wayne Rindone - Needham-Newton Stamp Club
Jim Warner (guest) - Waltham Stamp Club

There was a quorum of the BOD.

Secretary's Report:
The Secretary's Report (minutes) from the October 21 meeting were corrected (by recommendation of Jim Warner, specific dollar amounts from Treasurers' reports were removed in the interest of organizational privacy) and accepted.

Mark Butterline reported that nefed.org had 14,671 page views and 5,900 unique visits by people since the last meeting on October 21, 2007.

Treasurer's Report:
Bruce Bolduc reported a positive cash balance for the federation. Several CDs are maturing soon and will be renewed or moved to savings.

New Business:
Bruce Bolduc reported 20 children attended the youth program at WALPEX. The mail-based youth program has 12 children. Dues for this program were increased from $10 to $12. Norm suggested more cooperation between the museum youth program and the federation program.

Jeff announced that Philatelic Show 2008 will be Mother's Day weekend this year. Because of this the USS will not be attending. However, other regional groups will be attending. Still need exhibits. Bourse sold out. Mark to ask Mike Mead for dealer list to be included on nefed.org. Jeff wants dealer specialties listed. Usual post offices will return (US, UN, Nordica). AAPE has been notified. Admission will be $3 on Friday and Saturday. Free on Sunday. Also $25 early admission. Will need people to collect admission. This is a problem area and will be contacting clubs for help. Jeff wants badges for all attendees. Theme will be 100th anniversary of the Model T and Mother's Day. Looking into getting a Model T for the show. Jeff to follow-up with Lutz about the cachets.

Len Andexler reported that Chelmpex will be held on August 30 at the Central Baptist Church of Chelmsford.

Old Business:

President Jack Miller adjourned the meeting at 2:30PM.
Respectfully submitted by Mark Butterline, Secretary.