Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Minutes of the May 11, 2008 Annual General Meeting held during Philatelic Show 2008 at the Holiday Inn, Boxboro, MA.
REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at Noon on Friday, August 15, 2008 during the APS StampShow, in Room 15 at the Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford, CT.
President Jack Miller called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
Len Andexler - Chelmsford Stamp Club
Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Mark Butterline - Philatelic Group of Boston
Mike Mead - Philatelic Group of Boston
Jack Miller - Waltham Stamp Club
David Moiles - Clara Barton Stamp Club
Wayne Rindone - Needham-Newton Stamp Club
Jeff Shapiro - Philatelic Group of Boston
There was a quorum of the BOD.
Secretary's Report: The Secretary's Report was corrected to say that the provisional representative from the Quincy Stamp Club (Bob Garrity) was present.
Webmaster's Report:
From March 9 (date of the last meeting) though May 10 there were 13,612 page views and 2,963 unique visits by people. There were about 700 page views on Boxboro related pages this past week. Unfortunately there were denial of service problems this past week that the host company is only now fixing.
Treasurer's Report: Bruce Bolduc reported that we are close to budget, however interest rates on our renewed CDs have been cut in half. Storage for frames is going up $25/quarter.
Bruce reported that the Connecticut Cover Club had applied for membership. Arnold Aenoli is the contact. They meet the third Sunday of the month at the Stop & Shop of New Haven.
Old Business (Philatelic Show 2008): Jeff said that because there were no convening societies this year because of the Mother's Day weekend. American Airmail Society will convene at the 2011 show.
Jack reported 590 attendees as of 12:30PM. $2,182 was raised through admission charges. $184 in covers. Exhibitors were not let in early but this may change in the future. Officers from convening societies should also be admitted early.
The Show Treasurer, Wayne Rindone, requested that all bills be sent to him ASAP but definitely before August 31, 2008. The show books will close on Sept. 1,2008.
Youth Activities: Youth who attended the activities included 31 who came on a bus from Connecticut. Attendance was about 60. Scavenger hunt was well received. Want to setup a Most Popular Kids Exhibot award (with a prize).
Feedback from dealers: Excellent/Very Good: 31, Good: 30, Fair/Poor:11 (virtually all want to return).
Need booth trash cans next year.
Need better organization of admittance booth.
Discussion about the tracking of federation projectors. Might need a second. This is an item for Futures Committee.
New Business: A letter of compliant will be sent to the ASDA because of their late change to the fall Mega Event scheduling.
The webmaster will setup a template for club show information to be put on the federation website. Show URLs will be provided by the federation (expenditure approved). Will start with Chelmpex and Thamespex.
Need to request booth space at the Hartford show. Will ask Manchester Philatelic Society about sharing. Resolution for deposit funding ($100) approved. Secretary will followup with the APS.
Nominating Committee:
Jeff Shapiro, Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, proposed the following slate of officers and members of the Board of Directors:
President: Jack Miller
Vice-President: Mark Butterline
Secretary: Len Andexler
Treasurer: Bruce Bolduc
Board of Directors Members with terms expiring in May, 2010:
Mike Mead, Paul Bento, Paul Burke
Unfilled Board of Director position with term expiring in May, 2009: David Moiles (replacing Rene Duval).
Immediate Past President: Wayne Rindone
A proposal was made, seconded and approved for the Secretary to cast one vote to approve the above slate.
President Jack miller adjourned the meeting at 2:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Mark Butterline, Secretary.