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Minutes - August 15, 2008

Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Minutes of the August 15, 2008 BoD Meeting held during StampShow 2008 at the Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford, CT.

REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at 2PM on Saturday, October 18, 2008 during Walpex, at the Minuteman Regional High School, Lexington, MA.

President Jack Miller called the meeting to order at Noon.

Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Mark Butterline - Philatelic Group of Boston
Jack Miller - Waltham Stamp Club
David Moiles - Clara Barton Stamp Club
Jeff Shapiro - Philatelic Group of Boston
Bob Garrity - Quincy Stamp Club
Campbell Buchanan - New Haven Philatelic Society

There was a quorum of the BOD.

Secretary's Report:
The Secretary's Report from the May 11 meeting were approved as updated before the meeting (i.e., Boxboro admissions were $2184).

Webmaster's Report:
NEFED website unique visits by people: 2,493 for April; 2,474 for May; 2,316 for June; and 2,805 for July.

The website hosting company, 1and1.com, had problems providing consistent availability before and after Boxboro. Seems to be OK now. No change recommended.

Webmaster reported that Chelmspex and Thanmespex had not yet responded to the Federation offer to provide free show websites.

Treasurer's Report:
Federation and show books close at end of month.

Frame storage costs are increasing by $25 per quarter to $550.

$500 allocated to the Youth program.

Old Business:
Jeff said that 2008 will be the last of the 'good years' for Boxboro finances, as our credits with the hotel have been used up. Wayne not present, so no formal report on show finances.

No dealer issues for 2009. Bourse sold out (76 dealers).

Mobile Post Office Society and New England Postal History Society will convene at 2009 show.

Youth Activities: Bruce and David reported that they had finished 8 week sessions at the Clara Barton Camp this summer. Fifty youths participated. Cost was $10/camper plus gas. Camper exhibits to be exhibited at the next Boxboro show.

New Business:
Jeff recommended that the Federation consider donations to the Spellman Museum and the APRL after the next budget.

Secretary instructed to send thank you note to the APS for the meeting and booth space at the show.

President Jack miller adjourned the meeting at 12:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Mark Butterline (for Secretary Len Andexler).