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Minutes - October 18, 2008

Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Minutes of the October 18, 2008 BoD Meeting held during WALPEX 2008 at the Minuteman Regional High School, Lexington, MA.

REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held at 1:30PM on Sunday, January 11, 2009, at the Spellman Museum, Weston, MA.

President Jack Miller called the meeting to order at 2PM.

Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Mark Butterline - Philatelic Group of Boston
Jack Miller - Waltham Stamp Club
Len Andexler - Chelmsford Stamp Club
Jeff Shapiro - Philatelic Group of Boston
Bob Garrity - Quincy Stamp Club
Norm Shufrin - Waltham Stamp Club

There was a quorum of the BOD.

Secretary's Report:
The Secretary's report of August 15, 2008 was amended to up date that there was a quorum at the Hartford meeting of August 18, 2008.

Webmaster's Report:
NEFED website unique visits by people: 3844 for August, for September: 3297 visits.

The web site hosting company is still having some problems. Multiple URL'S. A suggestion to try another hosting company was discussed. Mark thinks the cost would be $20-30. He will look into short term contract with another company.

Treasurer's Report:
Federation and Show books will close at the end of October. No report on the show at this time. Show profit is not final.

A report of NEFSC was given to the secretary (Income Statement ( Sept. 2005 to Sept 2008 and Balance Sheet (9-30-2006 to 9-30-2008) to be filed with the report.

Old Business:
Youth report from the Spellman Museum will be discussed at the next meeting including participation of same. Jeff reported no problem with the Federation Show held in May. Contribution to Spellman Museum was $535, suggest another contribution for 2009.

Jeff reported the 4 large Display Cases were purchased for the Spellman Museum at a cost of $8000 each with a contribution of $675 to help defray the costs from the Show account.

Youth Activities: Bruce showed a slide presentation of the Clara Barton Summer Camp with Clara Barton Club participation and made a suggestion for further funding. Jeff suggested $1000 and that we hold off until January pending financial budget for 2009. Also hold off any contributions to APRL and APS until that time.

A collection of mint stamps was given to the NEFSC to use as postage from collector Richard Peterson of Marlborough.

New Business:
Jeff made suggestions of the "theme" for 2009 show. Some suggestions, Lincoln cent, Barbie & Cupie dolls, 50TH anniversary of Seat Belt and many others. He is open for suggestions by end of November. Preparations are under way with the Host Hotel for the 2009 Stamp show. Only the Mobile Post Office Society has announced it's intention to participate at the show.

President Jack Miller adjourned the meeting at 3:10PM
Respectfully submitted by Len Andexler, Secretary.