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Minutes - September 13, 2009

Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Minutes of the September 13, 2009 BoD Meeting was held at the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History at Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts.

REMINDER OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Sunday, October 25, 2009, at WALPEX 2009 in Lexington, Massachusetts.

Bruce Bolduc - Wachusett Philatelic Society
Mark Butterline - Philatelic Group of Boston
Len Andexler - Chelmsford Stamp Club
Jeff Shapiro - Philatelic Group of Boston
Norm Shufrin - Waltham Stamp Club
Paul Bourke - Philatelic Group of Boston
David Moiles - Clara Barton Stamp Club

There was a quorum of the BOD. The meeting was called to order by President Mark Butterline. The meeting opened at 2:00 PM with 7 members present.

Secretary's Report:
Minutes of the May 3 meeting was accepted as read.

Webmaster's Report:
Mark Butterline reported the following NEFED.ORG web site unique visits by people: May 2009 - 2581, June 2009 - 2970, July 2009 - 2093, and August 2009 - 2880. Website downtime appears to no longer be an issue.

Treasurer's Report:
24 clubs paid dues, 5 unpaid. Bruce will follow up with a letter to delinquent. We are solvent with CD's.

Youth Report:
Bruce & Dave attended 3 full sessions at Clara Barton Camp for Boys & Girls.

Philatelic books given to ~ 25 youth from the Acton Post Office.

Philatelic Show Report:
Philatelic Show 2009 was a success. Favorable reports by most dealers, with a few problems which can be worked on next year.

New Business:
2010 show will be held April 30-May 2 at the Boxborough Holiday Inn. We will need to increase advertising to fill the hotel rooms. Theme to be announced. Need to sign contract for 2012 with the hotel. Keep looking for future locations.

A motion was made and seconded to approve $50 memorial to APRL in memory of Michael Edwards who died of brain cancer on Labor Day.

President Mark Butterline adjourned the meeting at 3:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Len Andexler, Secretary.