Exhibitor Awards
Multi Frame Grand Award
Multi Frame Grand Award.
Multi Frame Reserve Grand Award
Multi Frame Reserve Grand Award.
Single Frame Grand Award
Single Frame Grand Award.

Show Medal
Philatelic Show Medal for Multi-Frame Exhibits. Comes in a very nice box.
Show Medal
Philatelic Show Medal
for Single-Frame Exhibits
Ribbons for all Exhibtis. Large Gold through Bronze.

APS Awards
American Philatelic Society
Medal and Ribbon of Excellence- Pre-1900 Material
Medal and Ribbon of Excellence- 1900-1940 Material
Medal and Ribbon of Excellence- 1940-1980 Material
Medal and Ribbon of Excellence- Post-1980 Material
Medal and Ribbon for Research Excellence
Award Criteria
ATA Awards
American Topical Association
First Award and Second Award Pins
Award Criteria

AAPE Award 1 AAPE Award 1

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors
Award of Honor - Excellence in Presentation Not Winning a Gold Medal (2)
Creativity in Philatelic Exhibiting Award (gold pin) Award Criteria
Treatment Award (certificate and ribbon) Award Criteria
Novice Award - Best Exhibit of a First Time Exhibitor (AAPE year membership and exhibiting book) Award Criteria

Women Exhibitors Award
Women Exhibitors
Sterling Achievement Award Merit (pin)
Award Criteria
UPSS Single Frame Award
The United Postal Stationery Society
Awarded to the best Single Frame of postal stationery.
Award Criteria

AFDCS Award AFDCS Ribbon
American First Day Cover Society
Best Exhibit of First Day Covers with 75% or more FDC Material minimum 2 entries (plaque)
Award Criteria

American Philatelic Congress Award 2025
(Example Book Above) American Philatelic Congress
Excellence in Written Text
(Congress Book)
Award Criteria
Auxiliary Markings Club Merit Award
Auxiliary Markings Club
Best Exhibit of Auxiliary Markings
Winning a National Silver or Higher
Award Criteria
Postal History Society Medal
Postal History Society Award
Award Criteria
USSS Medal
The United States Stamp Society (USSS)
Medal of Freedom
Award Criteria

EFOCC First Place Award
Errors, Freaks, Oddities Collectors' Club Award

The William Turner Memorial Award from the Metropolitan Air Post Society

An award instituted in 2006 in memory of William "Bill" Turner, MAPS past president. Bill was a co-editor of the FAM Section of Volume 3 of the AAMS catalogue. He was ever eager to share his extensive knowledge of FAM routes and WWII air mail history with his fellow air mail enthusiasts, and inspired them to continue further study and exhibition in that aerophilatelic specialty.

A plaque is awarded each year at The Philatelic Show in Boxborough MA for the best aerophilatelic or astrophilatelic exhibit, provided there are two or more such exhibits.